We’ll keep your sales team busy
with deals that matter

We only deliver services that move the needle.
We focus on the 20% that gets results.

Reach inboxes and book more meetings with your ideal prospects. We create relevant hyper-personalised outreach campaigns using the power of AI. Think of this as your horse-powered sales prospecting engine that can do the job of 10 SDRs at 10x the speed and 10x the quality, at a fraction of the cost.

Our approach to running ads is simple; drive more Sales Qualified Leads. We’ll do whatever it takes to achieve that. We only spend your media budget on customer segments that match your ICP and we continuously lower your CPSQL (Cost Per Sales Qualified Lead), that’s a mouthful! Other important metrics we focus on include CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost), CAC:LTV ratio, and Payback Period.

We setup the tech stack necessary for your growth engine. Having your outbound, paid media, CRM, and sales & marketing ops all fully integrated. Our goal here is to automate and sync all platforms so you can make better decisions faster.

You’re in good company

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Transparent pricing. Value driven.

Pay for outcomes, not inputs. Transparent pricing that pays for itself.

Growing Sales Qualified Leads for IBG Consulting by 156%

increase in SQL in 3 months
(target was 50%)
reduction in Cost Per SQL
improvement in leads Quality

“Our cost per SQL has never been lower and our campaigns have never been better than what Blue Pencil has done for us. Would highly recommend working with them for their supreme knowledge and great work ethic”.

Parkha Zeb

IBG Consulting

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